
G115-C734 Communities across borders  new immigrants and transnational cultures   edited by Paul Kennedy and Victor Roudometof. 2002
G206.2-C713 Media and identity in contemporary Europe  consequences of global convergence  Richard Collins 2002
G206.3-M414 Mass media and political communication in new democracies    edited by Katrin Voltmer 2006
G206.3-W728 European media studies    Kevin Williams 2005
G229.5-B8633 Broadcasting and politics in Western Europe    edited by Raymond Kuhn 1985
G550.0-I34 Implementing European Union education and training policy  a comparative study of issues in four member states  edited by David Phillips and Hubert Ertl 2003
G550.19-E24 The education systems of Europe    edited by Wolfgang Horner ... [et al.] 2007
G550.2-E24 Education, training and labour market outcomes in Europe    edited by Daniele Checchi and Claudio Lucifora 2004
G55-P3551 Peace education in Europe  visions and experiences  Werner Wintersteiner/Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas, Rudiger Teutsch (eds.) 2003
G649.5-O96 Overeducation in Europe  current issues in theory and policy  edited by Felix Buchel, Andries de Grip, Antje Mertens 2003
G649.5-R364 The Bologna process  harmonizing Europe's higher education, including the essential original texts  Bob Reinalda, Ewa Kulesza ; foreword by Hans-Dieter Klingemann 2006
G72-L722 Lifelong learning in the global knowledge economy  challenges for developing countries   2003
H004.5-M996 Language, religion and national identity in Europe and the Middle East  a historical study  John Myhill 2006
H0-05-C45686 The changing voices of Europe  social and political changes and their linguistic repercussions, past, present, and future  edited by M.M. Parry, W.V. Davies, and R.A.M. Temple 1994
H0-05-L287-2 Language, ethnicity and the state.    edited by Camille C. O'Reilly 2001
H0-B239 Language and nationalism in Europe    edited by Stephen Barbour and Cathie Carmichael 2002
H0-L287 Language, nation, and state  identity politics in a multilingual age  edited by Tony Judt and Denis Lacorne 2004