E161-N279 | NATO and southeastern Europe | security issues for the early 21st century | edited by Dimitris Keridis & Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr | 2000 |
E161-Q7 | European defense cooperation | asset or threat to NATO? | Michael Quinlan | 2001 |
E161-S634 | NATO, the European Union, and the Atlantic community | the Transatlantic bargain challenged | by Stanley R. Sloan | 2005 |
E350.5-D313 | Defence Transformation in Europe | evolving military roles | edited by Timothy Edmunds and Marjan Malesic | 2005 |
E500-B621 | The European security strategy | a global agenda for positive power | Sven Biscop | 2005 |
E512.1-S215 | Security co-operation between Russia and Ukraine in the post-Soviet era | | Deborah Sanders | 2001 |