Fractured French election echoes deep divide in politics and society (He Zhigao) 2017-04-26
European Politics after EP Election (Zhao Chen) 2014-08-25
Prof. Zhao Chen's interview with the Global Times on Hollande's trip to China 2013-05-08
Thatcherism fails for emerging economies (Zhao Chen) 2013-04-26
On EU’s Policy in the Middle East and North Africa Area (Zhao Chen) 2013-04-11
Europe’s Experience in Political Reconciliation:the Entrepreneurs and the Entrepreneurship (Zhao Chen) 2012-02-01
Overview of European politics studies by Chinese researchers 2011-07-19
France's G20 Presidency in a Chinese Perspective (Jiang Shixue) 2011-04-29
2010: Not an Easy Year for European Union (Zhao Chen) 2011-01-21
Preface to the Development Report of Europe 2010-2011 2011-03-10
The Historical Characteristics of the Democracy Expanding of the European Union (Zhao Chen) 2010-06-24