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China and the Global Crisis: A Comparison with the EU

China and the Global Crisis: A Comparison with the EU

Author:S.J From:Site author Update:2023-03-13 14:14:00

On June 3-4, 2010, the Department of Government and International Studies at the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) organized an international conference titled “China and the Global Crisis, Two Years On: A Comparison with the EU”.  Participants came from France, UK, Germany, the mainland of China, and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The organizers of the conference include Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Professor & Head, Department of Government and International Studies, HKBU; Jean-François Di Meglio, President, Asia Centre, Paris, France; Jean-François Huchet, Director, French Centre for Research on Contemporary China, Hong Kong; and Xavier Richet, Jean Monnet Chair, Visiting Scholar, Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University & Professor, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, ICEE, Paris, France.

Prof. Jiang Shixue, Deputy Director of the Institute of European Studies, CAA, was invited to attend the conference.

Presentations made at the conference were:

“China’s Political and International Options in 2007 and Now” by Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Professor & Head, Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University.

China's Economic Development After the Age of Surplus Labor”, Arthur Kroeber, GaveKal Dragonomics, Beijing, China.

“The Stimulus Package, Public Debt and Asian Bond Markets: Is Fiscal Risk Underestimated?”, Jean-Charles Sambor, TCW Senior Vice President and Lead Asia Strategist, Los Angeles, Ca., USA.

“An Assessment of Domestic Consumption in China”, Tao Wang, Managing Director, Head of China Economic Research, UBS Securities, Beijing, China.

“Three Chinese Banks Among Top 10 Worldwide: Reality or Illusion? ”, Philippe Aguignier,  Head of Retail Banking, Asia, BNP Paribas, and Associate Research Fellow, Asia Centre.

“Recent Forays Towards Renminbi Internationalization: The Chinese Point of View”, Jean-François Di Meglio, President, Asia Centre, Paris, France.

“China and Japan: Why the Two ‘Exporting Engines’ of Asia Have Reacted Differently?”, Marc Humbert, Head of the French Research Institute Abroad, Maison Franco-Japonaise, Tokyo, Japan.

China and Post-Crisis Regional Economic Cooperation”, Françoise Nicolas, Senior Researcher, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), Paris, France.

“Ongoing and Upcoming Tax Reforms: How Do They Contribute to Economic Policy?”, Wei Cui, Associate Professor, China University of Political Science and Law & Senior Tax Counsel, The China Investment Corporation (CIC), Beijing, China.

“Impact of the Crisis on China’s Outbound Foreign Direct Investments”, Joël Ruet, French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC), Hong Kong & Beijing.

“Learning from the EU Financial System: How China Could Deepen the Transformation of its Financial System?”, Shaozhou Qi, Director, European Study Centre, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.

China Banking Reform: Where Do We Stand?”, Alicia Garcia-Herrero, Chief Economist for Emerging Markets, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (co-authored with Daniel Santabarbara, ECB), Hong Kong. 

“Keynes is Back: The UK Experience”, Jens Hölscher, President, European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES), University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.

“The EU’s Stimulus Plans: Unity and Diversity”, Srdjan Redzepagic, Institute of Economics, Belgrade and Xavier Richet, Visiting Scholar, Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University.

“Regional Impact of the Crisis on Economic Activities”, Horst Brezinski, Bergakademie University, Freiberg, Germany.

The Future of Sino-European Economic Relations in Chinese Perspectives”, Jiang Shixue, Deputy Director, Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.



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