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China-Europe freight train services surge in first 4 months

China-Europe freight train services surge in first 4 months

Author: From:Xinhua Update:2023-03-13 14:14:08

  China Railway Container Transport Corp. Ltd.(CRCT), which supports freight flow between China and Europe, reported Wednesday an upsurge of its services to Europe.[Special coverage] 

  In the first four months, the company had 886 freight train services to Europe, an increased of 163 percent year on year, according to a report posted on peoplerail.com, China's official railway news portal.

  Meanwhile, freight train services by CRCT to central and western Asian countries also grew by 64 percent year on year.

  For the whole of 2017, the company plans to launch 2,200 freight train services to Europe and another 2,000 to central and west Asian countries.

  During April 8 to April 14, a total of 71 freight train services to Europe were arranged, a weekly record high.

  The company said its operating revenue for 2017 could surpass 6 billion yuan (about 869 million U.S. dollars).

  The increases have been attributed to improvements to the firm's international railway logistics system.

The Institute of European studies Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,All Rights Reserved

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