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Chinese envoy calls for civilization exchanges for conflict settlement in Europe

Chinese envoy calls for civilization exchanges for conflict settlement in Europe

Author: From:Xinhua Update:2023-03-13 14:14:11


  A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called on countries in Europe to promote exchanges between diversified civilizations to create enabling environment to properly handle regional conflicts, terrorism and refugee issues.

  Liu Jieyi, China's permanent representative to the UN, said at a Security Council debate that the diversity of nations, religions and cultures in Europe is an important source for progress in the region.

  Therefore, countries need to advocate ethnic integration, promote dialogue among religions and reconcile differences through mutual learning in a bid to resolve dispute in a peaceful way.

  "Parties to the hotspot issues in Europe should play goodwill, respect each other, enhance mutual trust, build up consensus and endeavor to find comprehensive, just and lasting solutions to the issues," Liu added.

  The 15-nation council Tuesday held an open debate on the topic of conflicts in Europe. Liu said the international community and regional countries should be active in their role to facilitate peace talks and scale up dialogues among parties concerned to push forward peaceful settlements.

  He also appealed for strengthened cooperation between the UN Security Council and regional organizations in Europe such as the European Union and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to better prevent regional conflict from happening.

  "China always attaches great importance to the strategic position and the role of the Europe and is consistent in placing Sino-European relations as one of its priorities in China's diplomacy," Liu noted.

  China stands ready to deepen the comprehensive Sino-European strategic partnership based on mutual benefits through the Belt and Road initiative as well as other platforms to make greater contribution to achieving lasting peace in Europe and common prosperity, he added.

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