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China coherently backs European integration: FM

China coherently backs European integration: FM

Author: From:Xinhua Update:2023-03-13 14:14:11

  China has been consistently supporting the European integration and is willing to work with the European side for the world's peace and development, top Chinese diplomat said Saturday.

  Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the remarks in meeting with his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault on the sidelines of the 53rd Munich Security Conference.

  Wang began the talk by expressing his appreciation over Ayrault's support to the one-China principle, saying the Sino-French ties have maintained a good momentum of development.

  Wang said the upcoming official visit of French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve to China, the first high-level exchange between the two sides this year, testifies to close relations between the two nations.

  Cazeneuve's visit, Wang said, will help send a positive signal to the international community about enhanced strategic communication and coordination between the two countries, and between China and Europe, against the backdrop of the current international situation.

  For his part, Ayrault said maintaining high-level visits between the two sides and strengthening the strategic dialogue have practical significance.

  As permanent members of the UN Security Council, France and China should jointly safeguard multilateralism, Ayrault said.

  Ayrault also hailed positive results achieved during the G20 Hangzhou Summit last year and expected both sides to enhance cooperation within the framework of the G20.

  The two foreign ministers also exchanged views on issues of common concerns, such as the situation in Europe.

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