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China, Europe to promote open world economy: Chinese FM

China, Europe to promote open world economy: Chinese FM

Author: From:Xinhua Update:2023-03-13 14:14:11

  China and Europe should send a positive signal to the world that the two sides would join hands in promoting an open world economy and safeguarding the global trade system based on the World Trade Organization (WTO), Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Thursday.

  Wang made the statement when meeting European Union (EU) foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini on the sidelines of the Group of Twenty (G20) foreign ministerial meeting held in Germany's western city of Bonn.

  Wang told Mogherini that China and Europe should further increase strategic consultation and cooperation because the two sides have the same or similar views on many major global issues.

  The top Chinese diplomat also expressed hope that the EU can fulfill its obligations under Article 15 of the protocol on China's accession to the WTO at an early date.

  In accordance with Article 15, WTO members should cease the surrogate country approach in anti-dumping investigations on China after Dec. 11, 2016, which expires exactly 15 years after China's admission.

  Mogherini responded that the EU will make continuous efforts to deal with the fulfillment of its obligations under the WTO.

  The top EU diplomat spoke highly of the keynote speech delivered by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this year, saying that this provides new opportunities for Europe-China cooperation.

  She said it is more important than ever before for Europe and China to strengthen bilateral cooperation under current international situation, and the EU has always treated China as a cooperative partner instead of a "threat". She reiterated that the EU adheres to the one-China policy.

  Mogherini said the EU will increase strategic cooperation with China in areas covering global development, climate change, African affairs, Afghanistan, Syria, and the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula.

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