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Beijing launches tourism campaign in Germany

Beijing launches tourism campaign in Germany

Author:Def author From:europe.chinadaily.com.cn Update:2023-03-13 14:14:19

Beijing promotes itself as a tourist destination in a tourism campaign launched in Frankfurt, Germany on April 21.

The promotion campaign highlights, among other attractions, capital city's museums and Chinese medicine as part of the campaign.

German travel agencies showed close interest in Beijing's special tourism products, and some even expressed their willingness to study the tourism market in Beijing and seek cooperation opportunities.

Germany is one of Beijing's major tourism markets in Europe. Every year, Beijing receives more than 200,000 German tourists. Frankfurt is one of the most important international air hubs in Europe. A considerable number of German tourists fly to Beijing via Frankfurt.

"We organized a marketing campaign in 2013, highlighting 72 hours visa-free policy for transit visitors to promote Beijing's high-end tourism appeal in Frankfurt. This is the second time we are in Frankfurt now," said Wang Yue, the deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development.

"Both Beijing and Frankfurt have high-quality tourism resources. There is a long history of tourism exchanges between the two cities. Through tourism, residents in Frankfurt and Beijing can have better understanding of each other while tourism agencies also develop mutual tourism exchange and cooperation," she added.

Representatives of leading travel agencies and the domestic and foreign media as well as official figures such as Wang Weidong, commercial counselor of Chinese Consulate-General in Frankfurt; Eduard Hechler, the director of the foreign affairs office in Frankfurt and Shi Xiang, the director of the China National Tourism Administration in Frankfurt, attended the event.


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