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'Belt and Road' program important for Poland-China relations

'Belt and Road' program important for Poland-China relations

Author:Def author From:africa.chinadaily.com.cn Update:2023-03-13 14:14:20

KATOWICE - The fourth edition of Europe-China Economic Forum, a part of VIIth European Economic Congress, was held in Katowice, Poland on Tuesday.

Most of the Chinese and Polish participants saw "One Belt, One Road" program, as well as 16+1 mechanism as a crucial platform for strengthening bilateral relations.

The fourth edition of Europe-China Economic Forum was divided into three parts - China and the world, China and Central-Eastern Europe and China and Poland.

The gathered experts commented on Poland's intention to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as a founding member, seeing it as a new chance and opportunity.

Europe-China Economic Forum is one of most important business events in Central and Eastern Europe. The Congress will last till Wednesday.


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