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Opening of European Capital of Culture 2015 attracts 100,000 people in Mons

Opening of European Capital of Culture 2015 attracts 100,000 people in Mons

Author:Def author From:news.xinhuanet.com Update:2023-03-13 14:14:23

MONS, Belgium, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- The opening ceremony of the European Capital of Culture in 2015 in this small town in southern Belgium attracted some 100,000 visitors Saturday night, with 29 artistic and creative activities, according to organizer Foundation Mons 2015 on Friday.

At the inaugural ceremony, Mayor of Mons and former Belgian Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo said that "culture change, minds create."

Mons aims to promote its international image and innovative economy, especially the development of its digital sector through the organization of activities that are part of the European Capital of Culture, he said.

This year coincides with the 30th anniversary of the launch of the European Capital of Culture. Mons was elected in 2000, together with the Czech town Plzen, European Capital of Culture.

Mons will organize, during the four seasons to come, 300 events attended by thousands of artists and other participants.

The first major event is the exhibition "Van Gogh in Borinage, the birth of an artist," which opened Friday and runs until May 17.

It was in Borinage, located near Mons, Van Gogh gave up his career of evangelist and decided to become an artist.

Mons is the fourth Belgian city to become the "European Capital of Culture." With a population of less than 100,000 inhabitants, Mons will have this time 17 partner cities, Belgian and French, to co-operate the European Capital of Culture program and develop a tourist strip.



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