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Chinese Embassy in Iceland hosts reception to mark 65th National Day

Chinese Embassy in Iceland hosts reception to mark 65th National Day

Author:Def author From:www.ecns.cn Update:2023-03-13 14:14:30

The Chinese Embassy in Iceland hosted a reception on Wenesday night to mark the 65th National Day of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Addressing the gathering of nearly 300 attendees, the new Chinese Ambassador Zhang Weidong said that the global pattern is undergoing profound readjustment and China-Iceland relations have experienced steady development.

The guests included Icelandic government officials, entrepreneurs, foreign diplomats and overseas Chinese in Iceland.

Describing China-Iceland cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, culture and Arctic affairs in recent years as productive and tangibly benefitial to both peoples, Zhang expressed his appreciation of Icelandic friends and overseas Chinese in Iceland for their efforts in promoting the development of the relations and friendship between the two countries.

China cherishes its traditional friendship with Iceland and deems Iceland a reliable, good friend and partner in Europe, said the Chinese Ambassador.

"I will make every effort and work together with the Icelandic government and people from all circles to further develop and deepen China-Iceland relations, expand pragmatic and win-win cooperation, enhance our peoples' friendship and push our bilateral relations to a new stage," Zhang said.


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