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Belgian top official says China a strong multi-sector global competitor

Belgian top official says China a strong multi-sector global competitor

Author:Def author From:english.people.com.cn Update:2023-03-13 14:14:35


China has reached a good level to compete globally in many fields and Belgium is willing to facilitate the interchange between the two countries, a Belgian top official told Xinhua in a recent interview.

Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders expressed his surprise over the huge changes in China since his first visit 30 years ago after attending "Hong Kong Business of Design Week (BODW)" and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (UABB) late last year.

"The astonishing thing is the extraordinary development of the Chinese cities in terms of modern building, motorways, trains, metros, etc.," Reynders said.

"The other important factor is the way in which the Chinese are accelerating the capacity of integration between the technologies and the commercial actions on their own market," he continued.

Apart from praising China's economic achievement, he also commended the two events he attended last year, which he said were important at world level with the Chinese presence reached a very high level in field of design, fashion and architecture.

Late last year, Reynders along with Queen Mathilde of Belgium attended the opening of the fifth Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (UABB) and the opening of the exhibitions "Dress Code" and "Design in Motion" on occasion of the "Hong Kong Business of Design Week (BODW)."

Those two events have gained applause in design industry world-wide.

He also explained the way Belgium was developing commercial relationship with China when he was the minister of finance and highlighted the importance of a European Union (EU)-China bilateral investment treaty which is under negotiation.

"I created an investment fund to support the Belgian companies who wanted to invest in China, we had thanks to this fund an extraordinary success in the Chinese stocks exchange," he said.

A "mirror" fund dedicated to the Chinese firms wanting to invest in Belgium was also set up afterwards, he recalled.

Speaking of the EU-China bilateral investment treaty which just finished its third round of talks, he explained that there remain some areas to be explored, such as market access and the intellectual property, which according to him, are also common to other similar deals.




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