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China and Greece: be good partners in peace, growth, reform and civilization

China and Greece: be good partners in peace, growth, reform and civilization

Author:Def author From:english.people.com.cn Update:2023-03-13 14:14:35


When he visited Europe this March, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed to build partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization with the EU. Greece is one of China's most sincere and trusted partners in the EU. Favorable conditions, including good timing, geographical convenience, good human relations, and good foundations are conducive to building the four partnerships between China and Greece.

Good timing refers to the fact that China is now in an important period of driving reform to a deeper level and extending opening up; at the same time, Greece is at a critical stage of economic recovery. Regional and international situations are both undergoing complex and profound changes, and the China-EU relationship will prosper. The two countries, with thousands of years of civilization, have become companions of destiny for the first time, with their futures closely linked to each other.

Geographical convenience refers to Greece's geographical location. Greece is located at the crossroads of Europe, Western Asia, and Africa, enjoying unique geographical advantages and good sea and air transport infrastructure and networks. The country can play an important role in building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road.

Good human relations refers to the fact that people in the two countries have mutual appreciation for each other's culture, and share a profound traditional friendship. For example, a number of Greek ship owners overcame numerous obstacles to transport strategic materials to the new China in the 1950s, and many young Chinese couples choose to spend their honeymoons in Greece. The concept of mutual respect, mutual support, and mutual assistance between the two countries is deeply rooted in their society.

Good foundations refers to the fact that the investment made by China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO) in the Container Terminal of Piraeus Port, the largest Greek seaport, has been successful in promoting the local economy and employment. It has created a harmonious multinational business mode which can be regarded as a role model for China-EU cooperation. The positive development of COSCO Group in Piraeus Port has opened up broader prospects for China and Greece, and for China and the EU, to engage in further large-scale investment and trade cooperation in the future.

We believe that China and Greece will be good partners for peace, growth, reform, and civilization. Together, the two countries will achieve common development and revitalization, and further contribute to human progress.

The article is edited and translated from 《做和平、增长、改革、文明好伙伴》, source: People's Daily, author: Zou Xiaoli, Chinese Ambassador to Greece.


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