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UK-China business leaders summit opens in London

UK-China business leaders summit opens in London

Author:Def author From:news.xinhuanet.com Update:2023-03-13 14:14:38

BEIJING, June 3 (Xinhuanet) -- Business leaders from China and the UK have begun a week-long summit in London. Some of China’s biggest private companies--including top property developer Vanke, are planning deals with UK partners.

Business leaders from China’s private sector, including China Vanke, China Minsheng Investment and other well-known financial services companies are at the 1st UK-China business leaders summit.

Discussions with business people and academics from across the UK addressed topics such as future business opportunities, expanding overseas markets and China’s urban planning.

The private sector in China has been significantly growing since the “reform and opening up” policies. This summit marks a further move for the sector to invest n the international market.

The focus and the investment interests from China’s private business sector have intensified here, as over 400 British and Chinese delegates have gathered here, looking for more cooperation opportunities.

Wang Shi is the Chairman of China Vanke. He believes with China’s ongoing Chinese urbanization, housing market demands will change from quantity to developing a more sustainable and greener housing environment.

He says the UK’s expertise in gardening can play a crucial role in transforming the urban landscape in China, and encourage a culture of caring for the community and environment.

"We expect to sign an agreement to co-develop a giant botanic garden in Beijing. It will be a British style garden which can provide community education and improve people’s environmental awareness," he said.

The chairman of the UK delegation, who is also the British Business Ambassador Ron Dennis, is pitching the country’s innovation industry to the Chinese entrepreneurs.

In his opinion, the difference between China and other countries investing in the UK is a return that is more than just monetary.

"Solving some of the problems existing in China or accelerating the solutions of those problems is very attractive to the Chinese industry. It’s not just about exporting the profit but also about that profit represented by the knowledge, about knowing how," said Ron Dennis, UK Business Ambassador.

UK exports to China have grown faster than those of any other EU country in the past four years, while investment from China to the UK has reached billions of US dollars.

China’s private sector contributed approximately 60 percent to the country’s GDP last year. And undoubtedly, further opening up will present opportunities for the UK’s world-leading financial service and creativity businesses.


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