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Chinese universities recruit students in UK

Chinese universities recruit students in UK

Author:Def author From:europe.chinadaily.com.cn Update:2023-03-13 14:14:48

London South Bank University held a fair to help British students learn about studying and internship opportunities in China on Monday, as a part of the UK government's new campaign to encourage over 15,000 British students to study or intern in China by 2016.

The fair was attended by 14 Chinese universities, all of whom sent representatives to explain to British students their respective academic courses on offer.

The campaign, known as Generation UK, was launched earlier this year, following on from the UK-China Partners in Education action plan signed in 2011 by China's Minister for Education Yuan Guiren and Britain's Secretary of State for Education Michael Gove.

It is lead by the British Council and supported by the UK's Department for Business, Innovation & Skills and the Department for Employment and Learning.

Jazreel Goh, director of education marketing at British Council China, says the project aims to help young British students become global citizens.

Goh says her team hopes to create the same opportunity for British students to go to other countries in the future, like Russia, Brazil and India.

Goh's words are echoed by Beverley Jullien, Pro Vice Chancellor of London South Bank University. "China is already a world power, it's increasingly powerful. The friendship between China and the UK is growing, and we want our students to participate in that," Jullien says.

Applications for the scholarship and internship opportunities will open in early 2014. While scholarships can last for up to one full academic year, internships are for two months. Successful applicants will be given accommodation, travel insurance, and other support.

According to British Council statistics, around 3,500 UK students studied in China in 2011.



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