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Donors in China (Abstract) (Zhou Hong, Zhang Jun and Zhang Min)

Donors in China (Abstract) (Zhou Hong, Zhang Jun and Zhang Min)

Author:Zhou Hong, Zhang Jun and Zhang Min From:Site author Update:2023-03-13 14:14:03

China is one of the largest aid recipients in the world. In the 60 years since the end of World War II, China has received different types of foreign aid from various channels.

Foreign aid to China is numerically far inferior to foreign investment, but both exercise influence of comparable magnitude, one important reason of which is: foreign aid activities are not confined in the realm of economics. The donors’ power of statehood, society, and culture are embedded within the principles and methods of aid. Aside from the capital, technologies, values, and methodologies from the donors also flowed into China. During the process of digesting, absorbing, and learning from these technologies, mindsets, and methodologies, China has undergone massive economic construction and institutional reforms; the power of the foreign aid instrument has thus surpassed that of traditional diplomatic instruments.

The authors brushed through agencies of donors in China and their methods, conducted analyses on the changes in mindsets, methods, and institutions brought forth by foreign aid, and evaluated the role of foreign aid during the process in which “China’s Development Mode” takes shape. The authors aim to clarify on the connections, communications, resourcefulness, channels of influence, and significance of foreign aid, in relation to other international powers.

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