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Delegation of the Democratic Party of Italy Visits IES

Delegation of the Democratic Party of Italy Visits IES

Author:Def author From:Site author Update:2023-03-13 14:14:00


On May 26, 2010, Pier Luigi Bersani, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Italy, along with a four-member delegation of his party, visited IES.

IES scholars, Luo Hongbo, Wu Xian, Cheng Weidong, Tian Dewen and Zhang Min, gave a brief introduction of their views on China's relations with the EU and also answered questions from Bersani and his colleagues.

The delegation was interested in such questions as the causes of the current global financial crisis, China’s reforms of the social security system, China-EU relations, China-US relations, etc.    IES scholars asked the guests about the current Greek debt crisis, the prospects of Euro, impact of the Lisbon Treaty, etc.

Bersani believed that EU attaches importance to the development of its relations with China, and only through cooperation and dialogue can EU and China play a more important role in dealing with the global issues. 

Bersani also answered questions of the current debt crisis in EU and Euro’s future.  “Like a child, the Euro might stop to grow for a while, but it will definitely become a strong man,” said Bersani through an interpreter.

Bersani acted as Minister of Industry, Commerce and Craftmanship (1996–1999) and Minister of Transports (1999–2001) in the center-left cabinets of Prodi, D'Alema, Amato.  Invited by the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, his delegation was attending a forum in Beijing.

The meeting was chaired by Jiang Shixue, Deputy Director of IES.

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