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CV of Xiong Hou

CV of Xiong Hou

Author:Xiong Hou From:Site author Update:2023-03-13 14:13:59

Dr. Xiong Hou

Research Fellow of Institute of European Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Born on 19.06.1981, Sichuan Province, China

Tel./fax 86-10-8519-5731 , Mob. 86-1368-145-3132

E-mail: xionghou@cass.org.cn


Institute of European Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2007 till now)

Sub-chief of economics department

Ø       European Studies Centres Programme(ESCP)

Ø       Programme Officer Nominated by CASS (2007/07-2008/03)



Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

Sichuan University, 2004-2007 PhD in International Economics

Topic: European Monetary Integration

Sichuan University, 2002-2004 MA in Finance


Sichuan University, 1998-2002

BA in International Finance










Ø       Economics of European Integration

Ø       Euro

Ø       Development economics and Chinese aid to foreign countries


Ø       Chinese-Parent Language

Ø       English-Fluent


Ø       MS Word

Ø       Power Point

Ø       SPSS


Ø       Member of Project “China as a donor in the world”, funded by Ford Foundation

Ø       Member of Project “Europe and China: Addressing New International Security and Development Challenges in Africa” ,funded by CASS

Ø       Member of Project “International Comparative of the System of Social Securities in the World”

Ø       Member of Project “Review of Trade Relation Between EU and China”

Ø       Team leader, CASS youth foundation research pogramme: Euro and its implication to international currency system

Ø       Team member, CASS foundation research programme: EU’s handling mechanism of Sino-EU trade friction

Ø       Member of Programme “International Comparative of the System of Social Securities in the World”

Ø       Member of CASS foundation research programme “Review of Trade Relations Between EU and China”


Ø       Xiong Hou(2007):The repression to employment of social security policy in EU and the guidance to China, Gansu Social Sciences, 166, 83~87

Ø       Xiong Hou(2006):Dualistic Contradictions of Monetary Policy in Euro Area and the Countermeasures, the Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics,140,46~51

Ø       Xiong Hou(2006):Convergence of Government Debt Management in Euro Area, Journal of Social Sciences of Hunan Normal University,176,71~75

Ø       Xiong Hou(2005):the Analysis of the Validity of Chinese Monetary Policy in the Business Cycle After 1978, Research of Productivity, 124,57~60

Ø       Xiong Hou(2005): the Analysis of the Validity of Chinese Monetary Policy in the Transition Period,, Statistics and Policy-making,191,93~95


Ø       Xiong Hou(2009): International Conference on Poverty Reduction: Chinese Experience, Beijing, October, 2009

Ø       Xiong Hou(2009):International Conference on Aid effectiveness, Berlin, June, 2009

Ø       Xiong Hou(2008):Foreign Investment in Africa: EU and China Compared , Beijing, April 15,2008

Ø       Xiong Hou(2008): EU Ambassador Forum, Beijing, April 9,2008

Ø       Xiong Hou(2008):Industrial Districts and the Economic Globalization: Italy and China Compared, Beijing, March 28,2008

Ø       Xiong Hou(2008):European Studies in China, Guilin, Feb 22~25,2008

Ø       Xiong Hou(2007):the Review of Relation Between China and Germany in 2007, Beijing, Dec 20,2007

Ø       Xiong Hou(2007):the Swedish Social Security Seminar, Beijing, Nov 20, 2007

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