DING Chun CHEN Tenghan:Competition in the Manufacturing Industry among China, US and EU: Current Situations, Countermeasures of US and EU and Prospects


In recent years, competition among the US, EU and China has become intensified, especially in manufacturing industries. This article employs the panel data from the OECD-WTO TiVA database 2007 to 2015 and the UN Comtrade database 2011 to 2019 to calculate RSCA, ESI, and GVC Position Index to evaluate the competition status in the manufacturing industry of the three actors and finds out that the position of China, the US and EU’s manufacturing industries in the global value chain has undergone major changes, with the international competitiveness of China’s manufacturing industry rising rapidly. The US and EU compete with China mainly in the medium and high-end fields, and the intensity of competition between China and the US is stronger than that between China and the EU. The containment policy of the US and EU against China has achieved little effects until present, who will, however, continue to conduct such a policy in the future, and opportunities and challenges will stand side by side in the manufacturing industry among these three parties.